JEFFERY JACKSON - from governing body - 63 year NWT released and 50 years study edition released. We love our NWT - proud of fact that Jehovah used group nof annointed to provide this bible.
Deciscion of GB in 2005 - NWT in 52 languages - need to be in far more languages - usually in larger editions - eg 15,000 - 20,000 printing. Translators trained so it was feasible to have it translated in smaller languages.
Those who get NWT in their language 121 now ib place with 45 more translations in the works. Jokingly said should be all who get WT should also get NWT. It is a possibility. 14,637 questions pending about translations.
eg. Matt 6:11 - Give us this day our bread for this day - what questions could be asked - asians use rice not bread - bread is expensive - could think taught to pray for "luxury" items. Can we use "rice" - no - bread was used. Use generic word - food instead of bread with footnote attached.